高分求 魔兽世界《灰烬使者:提里奥·弗丁归来》视频中 原英语部分配音对白

黄月娥 提问者:黄月娥

洋葱圈 2 年前

"father,you h**e returned..you've been gone for a long time,father.nothing could keep me away from here ,Darien.not from my home,son.father,I wish to join you in the war of the Undead ,I want to fight I can sit idle no longer.Darien.Morgraine ,you are barely a age to hold the sword.let along the battle Scourge Undead in Lordaeron ,I could not bare losing you.even the thought.If I die ,father,I would rather be on my feat,standing in the fight to see undead legions ,if I die,let me die with you..my son,there would come a day when you will command the The Ashbringer ,and with it,mete out justice across this land ,I h**e no doubt that would that day finally comes.you'll bring pride to our people and will be a better place because of you.but my son,that day is not today.do not forget.听写的.不保证全对了..尽力了.
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