
  • 编辑:内容来源于网络
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:56
  • 发布时间:2023-06-26 12:20:02

一、当听到这个诗句时,你会发出一声惊讶:“Alas, the park is closed!”(唉,公园关闭了!)

二、只要有心,一切都会好起来:“Don't worry! It's only a matter of time before the park opens its gates again.”(别担心!只是时间问题,公园很快就会开放再次了!)

三、看完月亮,你赶紧走:“See you in the morning, when the sun starts shining through the park's gate!”(明天见,太阳从公园门口照进来的时候!)

四、都不怕啦,赶紧把乐趣继续:“Put on your best smile and enjoy the ride around the park!”(给自己洗一个灿烂的微笑,好好地欣赏公园中的游玩吧!)

五、空气中有温暖的气息:“Feel the warmth of the sun as it tans your skin in the park!”(感受到日光温暖的气息,让它把你整个人都晒成古铜色吧!)

六、欣赏到了极美的风景:“Look at the magnificent view of the park and enjoy the serenity of nature!”(抬头看看,欣赏这壮丽的公园风景,享受大自然留下的宁静!)

七、日子也可以充满快乐:“What a perfect day for fun in the park! Who could ask for more?”(今天正是公园里玩耍的好日子!谁还能求什么呢?)

八、看看,物语中的奇妙世界:“Look into the fairy tale world that lies inside the park and let the magic begin!”(看看中那令人神往的童话世界,立刻开启你的魔法之旅吧!)

九、回忆里的温暖:“Remember to take a moment and create memories in the park!”(记得抽出一点时间,在这里创造记忆!)

十、回家前,记得再玩一会儿:“Make sure to take some time to play when you le**e the park.”(离开公园时,一定要抽出一点时间去玩一下!)

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