
  • 编辑:内容来源于网络
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:22
  • 发布时间:2023-07-23 13:46:02

English Dubbing Subject Training Program for Junior Middle School

I. Introduction

A. Definition: English dubbing focuses on the interpretation, re-creation and comprehensive performance of the original plot, characters, atmosphere and style of the dialogue with appropriate and accurate language expression.

B. Purpose: English dubbing training is an effective and modern way to improve English listening, speaking and reading ability, as well as to understand intercultural communication, develop language performance and aesthetic appreciation ability.

C. Advantages: English dubbing can help students acquire language knowledge in an interesting and vivid atmosphere, exercise their understanding of the plot and characters, and increase their initiative in learning.

II. Implementation

A. Preparation phase: Introduce dubbing techniques, teach related knowledge and analyze some dubbing samples, so that students can h**e a deeper understanding of this activity and broaden their horizons.

B. Practice phase: After mastering the relevant techniques and knowledge, students can start to practice dubbing by acting as either supporting or master roles. They should also use their powers of imagination, pay attention to pronunciation, body language and facial expressions, and strive to make their dubbing vivid, natural and convincing.

C. Rehearsal phase: Record dubbing after practice and make corrections and adjustments to ensure accuracy.

III. Evaluation

A. Content: Evaluate based on the degree of adherence to the original plot and characters, atmosphere and style.

B. Language: Evaluate the correctness, expressiveness, fluency and articulations of spoken English.

C. Performance: Consider the student's body language, facial expressions, tone variation and other aspects.

IV. Conclusion

English dubbing subject training program for junior middle school offers students an opportunity to learn English effectively and creatively while h**ing fun. It is also beneficial for improving their overall language competence, performance skills and aesthetic appreciation.

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