
一日之迹 提问者:一日之迹

A0000饮朵拉大杯茶-楼德店 11 月前


庐陵荣哥 11 月前


彼岸花 11 月前


周文明 11 月前

那你 就下载一个qq音乐播放器

春天 11 月前

回答人的补充 2009-08-07 20:47 尼日利亚歌手Asa的歌,歌词如下: There is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. I wake up in the morning - tell you what I see on my TV screen I see the blood of an innocent child and everybody"s watching. Now, I"m looking out my window and what do I see? I see an army of a soldier man marching across the street, hey... Hey Mr. soldier man, tomorrow is the day you go to war Boy you are fighting for another man’s "cause and you don’t even know him What did they say to make you so blind to your conscience and reason? Could it be love for your country or for the gun you use in killing? So there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. Hey, Mister Lover-man can I get a chance to talk to you? "cause you are fooling with a dead man"s corpse and you don"t know what you do. So you say you h**e a lover and you love her like no other So you buy her a diamond that someone has died on - don’t you think there’s something wrong with this? Tell me, who’s responsible for what we teach our children? Is it the internet or the stars on television? Why oh why? Why oh, why oh? Oh! So little Lucy turns sixteen and like the movie she"s been seeing she has a lover in her daddy - she can"t tell nobody till she makes the evening news. For there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. Oh yes. One day the river will overflow and there"ll be nowhere for us to go and we will run, run...wishing we had put out the fire, oh no... For there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. So yeah, yeah, yeah! There is fire on the mountain, (fire in Africa) and nobody seems to be on the run (everywhere, can’t they see eh?) Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no-one is a’ running (no-one is a running) There is fire on the mountain (fire, fire, fire) and nobody seems to be on the run…
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